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Eastbourne College England


Curious about how the UK curriculum differs from other education systems?

Struggling to choose the perfect school for your child? Uncertain about when to begin applying for schools?

Need advice and support on academic and pastoral matters?


At JD Consultancy, we go the extra mile to guide every child towards their academic goals, no matter how big or small. We believe that any goal, to start with, can be achieved with the help of a clear and informative academic plan.


This raises the question: how complex is the application process?


Applying to schools in the UK can be complex and time consuming in general, and first timers often struggle to handle applications on their own. On the contrary, we assure you that with us, the process is as straightforward as one-two-three. Our Education Consultancy team handles every element of the application process, resolving any doubts and concerns that you may have.


How does the application process work at JD Consultancy?


  1. Initial Consultation: A JD consultant will first be in touch with new enquirers, either in person or through a voice or video conference call. Families will also be requested to fill in an Initial Enquiry Form, stating your school objectives and key criteria. This information is never disclosed to any third-party and is crucial for our future registration.

  2. Assessments: JD will request for your child to attend a screening interview and complete written assessments. These can be done at home, and the former is conducted via ClassIn, an online education platform.

  3. School Advisory: Within 3-4 working days, the Senior Consultant will issue a full academic assessment report, outlining the scores that your child has attained for each assessment. Aside from the above, we will also assemble a short-list of schools which we believe will suit your child and fit the requirements of the family.

  4. Registration and Additional Services: JD will make applications, contact schools and arrange school visits on the family’s behalf. At the same time, the JD Tuition Team will arrange tutoring and academic monitoring sessions for your child in preparation for upcoming entrance tests or interviews.

  5. Confirmation of Offers and Post-Application Services: Once offers are made, we will review the merits of each school option and provide necessary advice. Your assigned JD consultant will proceed to assist you with Visa applications prior to arriving in the UK to study.

Ready to embark on a new educational journey for your child? Now is the time to send us an enquiry!


Assessments at JD are an essential part of our application process. They are used to indicate the level in comparison to their peers, as well as to identify any particular areas that they can work on with their assigned tutors.


Prior to school advisory, students will need to sit our custom-made assessments which will help us determine their general strengths and weaknesses. The assessment is separated into two sections:


  • Screening interview: 15-20 minutes, conducted by a Senior Consultant via ClassIn.

  • Written assessments:

    • For 7+ to 13+: English, Mathematics, Non-Verbal Reasoning

    • For 16+: EAL, Mathematics, one to two papers related to the student’s A-level choices:

      • Biology

      • Chemistry

      • Physics

      • Geography

      • History

      • Economics

      • Modern Languages


Your child may also choose to complete the screening interview and written assessments remotely or at our local offices.


Once both assessments are completed, a full academic assessment report will follow in 2 to 3 working days, including plan of action for the period of tuition.


Academic monitoring is not to be confused with tutoring or mentoring. Surprisingly enough, it has the essence of both tutoring and mentoring, as it involves observing students’ academic progress over a period of time, and identifying students who may be excelling or underachieving in class with their tutors.


Every student with JD will be assigned an academic monitors as soon as they begin the School Advisory procedure. Our academic monitor are in charge of closely liaising with your child’s assigned tutors, taking note of all feedback before forwarding a progress report to the family. Progress reports can also be translated into Chinese, should this be required.

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